The History of Adira Career in Singging - The Talent Flow with Her Blood
Recently, there were no interesting news related to Adira AF8. AF star and Adira were busy to perform in whole country and to complete many activities planned by their management. Even thought, most of Adira concert running in Peninsular of Malaysia, but all Adira's Fan in Borneo always tightly giving her full of support. Today I would like to writing down how Adira born with a talent.
As we know, before Adira join the Academy, she already got the skill to sing. She singing and make many stage performance since she were in school season.
If you are looking to youtube and typin Adira's name, many related video will appear there. I would like to post here some of her history in singging.
1. The video show how Adira became the vokalis of Nasyid. Adira's group here became the champion of Ranau district and Vice champion in National Level.
2. The next Adira talent is Stage performance. This video show here in Pertandingan Sayembera Puisi dan Lagu. Even its just District level, but she had prove that it was a good starting for her.
3. This video show a star will born hint when Adira win The pesta Kobis Singing competition.
(Tags:Video adira di kundasang, adira kundasang, adira af8 video, adira af8 konsert, bakat adira, akademi fantasia)